The next time you see my beautiful mug gracing the Alligator, we will have a new president. No recount. No Supreme Court. Only our 44th president.
Would someone please pass Al Gore a tissue?
As Election Day draws near, I urge you to participate in the presidential election by either Barackin' the vote or doing whatever mavericks are supposed to do at the polls.
Unfortunately, many Gators may not have the opportunity to vote as a result of obligations on campus.
President Machen, I look to you for the solution.
Follow the lead of Bethune-Cookman University and cancel classes on a day where students can learn more by voting or watching election coverage than sitting in a lecture hall checking out the latest rumors on Juicy Campus.
I know Floridians have had the opportunity to vote early, but does voting early feel the same as getting to the polls on Election Day?
A professor of mine said being at the polls on Election Day really makes one feel like an American. Not to mention the fact that UF already cancels classes for asinine "holidays" such as the Friday before Homecoming weekend.
Sorry, Teach, I can't make it to class because I have to help my frat bros make jungle juice for our tailgate tomorrow.
I'm sure many students are already planning to skip classes so they can take in as much excitement as this Election Day can offer. Why not just legitimize their actions and keep everyone from suffering academically as a result of their decision to exercise their privilege to participate in the election process?
We are looking at a landmark election, where the next man who assumes the presidency faces a monumental task of righting the ship of America. There is an economic crisis, a world of social issues and, oh yeah, that little thing going on in the Middle East.
This election has sparked unprecedented passion that may not have existed in individuals in years past.
UF should build upon the newfound interest young people have discovered in the political process by canceling class rather than hindering their chances of being a part of the election.
Sure, the lines will be long on Tuesday, but this is not an election to take lightly. Babies will be crying, people will be chatting away on their cell phones and some crazy people may try to sway your vote, but there is far too much at stake not to suffer for a few hours and cast your ballot.
Six packs have been a mainstay throughout the entire election process; may as well bring one along while you wait in line.
Let me stress that this is not about endorsing either candidate. Rather, it is an attempt to ensure you have the opportunity to go to the polls to have your voice heard.
If you haven't already, go vote Tuesday. If you already took care of business, then grab some friends, order a pizza and take in the never-ending media coverage.
Amid the budget woes, maybe UF could even save a few bucks by closing campus Tuesday.
How's that for a thought, Bernie?
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