With my approval the Independent Florida Alligator ran this letter regarding my column:
Racism does not exist in U.S. society
By Ed Kallal, 5EG
Daniel Seco is writing about a problem that doesn’t exist.The all–white jury hasn’t convicted O.J. Simpson. Even if they do, Seco would have to prove that Simpson is clearly not guilty to have a semi–valid case.
Seco is the racist. He’s the one writing a column about the jurors’ race and assuming, because the jurors are white, they will convict a black man regardless of the facts of the case. Get a life. Write about something that exists. Daniel Seco: the racist drama queen.
Fortunately, my readers have my back:
someone7 wrote on Sep 20, 2008 10:25 AM:
" Maybe Ed Kallal is the racist piece of crap tarantula, who posts links to Neo-Nazi/White Power material on this site, or one of the other numerous right-wing racist nutjobs who post their crap here.
Racism does exist. Any white person, especially here in the South, who says otherwise is a liar. White people are incredibly racist. You only have to be around them for a little while before they start in on what Tim Wise calls "white-bonding," the point of which is to spew hatred of other races, especially blacks.
All white juries have and do convict black men of crimes, regardless of the facts. Just a few months ago an all white jury let some white boot camps guard go that killed a young black boy, right here in Florida, and there was video tape evidence of them doing it. All white juries to this day let white murderers of blacks go and convict blacks on nothing but their racial prejudice.
So you can take your lying, racist bullcrap and shove, Ed Kallal. "
Racism does exist. Any white person, especially here in the South, who says otherwise is a liar. White people are incredibly racist. You only have to be around them for a little while before they start in on what Tim Wise calls "white-bonding," the point of which is to spew hatred of other races, especially blacks.
All white juries have and do convict black men of crimes, regardless of the facts. Just a few months ago an all white jury let some white boot camps guard go that killed a young black boy, right here in Florida, and there was video tape evidence of them doing it. All white juries to this day let white murderers of blacks go and convict blacks on nothing but their racial prejudice.
So you can take your lying, racist bullcrap and shove, Ed Kallal. "
someone7 wrote on Sep 20, 2008 10:25 AM:
" *shove it "
gmc wrote on Sep 20, 2008 7:42 PM:
" someone7, I agree that racism does still exist. But I am disgusted by your implications that white people are the only ones capable of racism and that all whites are racist. If you want to get picky about things, your prejudice that all white people are like as you describe is purely racist also!
Everyone whether white, black, yellow, red, whatever has some kind of prejudice and it's mostly because of ignorance. So before you go making hasty generalizations, consider meeting some new people, because the ones you hang out with are not quality. "
Everyone whether white, black, yellow, red, whatever has some kind of prejudice and it's mostly because of ignorance. So before you go making hasty generalizations, consider meeting some new people, because the ones you hang out with are not quality. "
someone7 wrote on Sep 20, 2008 7:59 PM:
" I never implied only white people can be racist, or even that all white people are racist. A lot of them are, and if you're white and deny it, you're a liar. It's that simple.
Regardless of how black people may or may not feel towards whites, they're not the ones in power. White America is. If a Japanese person hates Koreans, it doesn't matter to a Korean in America, cause Japanese people don't decide their fate here. Black racism (which is significantly less than white racism) doesn't matter to white people, as black people don't control the power structure. Whites do.
To suggest racism doesn't exist is America is not simply false, but a bald-faced lie. Ed Kallal, as a dumb conservative white male, is knowingly lying, and undoubtedly a racist himself, who believes he is somehow the victim of "reverse racism," like a lot of stupid white conservatives, aka future-brownshirts, believe. "
Regardless of how black people may or may not feel towards whites, they're not the ones in power. White America is. If a Japanese person hates Koreans, it doesn't matter to a Korean in America, cause Japanese people don't decide their fate here. Black racism (which is significantly less than white racism) doesn't matter to white people, as black people don't control the power structure. Whites do.
To suggest racism doesn't exist is America is not simply false, but a bald-faced lie. Ed Kallal, as a dumb conservative white male, is knowingly lying, and undoubtedly a racist himself, who believes he is somehow the victim of "reverse racism," like a lot of stupid white conservatives, aka future-brownshirts, believe. "
ikicklocals wrote on Sep 21, 2008 2:16 PM:
" All races are racist in their own ways.
Ed Kallal = Fail. "
Ed Kallal = Fail. "
djung88 wrote on Sep 21, 2008 7:44 PM:
" Gainesville is one of the most racist and unequal places I've ever been to. That's all I have to say. "
ccb wrote on Sep 21, 2008 9:02 PM:
" I think it's fair to assume anybody who could make a statement like "racism doesn't exist!" is either mentally delayed (seriously) or trolling. You can't possibly be that oblivious to the existence of a world outside your own tiny little white boy bubble without putting some effort into it......or maybe the EXTREME defensiveness and subsequent projection indicate that, just perhaps, Ed Kallal here has feelings on the topic that must remain hidden? Or maybe he just can't bring himself to admit that he's a member of a group that has done anything wrong, ever. OMG he said a white man is a racist and... *I'm* a white man... bu-no-I--no, no I'm not a racist he could be saying that I'M a racist but I'm NOT and HOW DARE YOU SUGGEST I'M A RACIST RACISM DOESN'T EVEN EXIST ANYMORE EXCEPT IT DOES AND YOU ARE THE RACIST, YOU ARE SO RACIST AND I HATE IT, I HATE YOUR RACISM SO MUCH
WHY must this cruel world be so oppressive to upper-middle class white male conservative christians?! (weeps silently) "
WHY must this cruel world be so oppressive to upper-middle class white male conservative christians?! (weeps silently) "
Are you reacting to the title given by the Alligator staff, or the letter fragment published by the Alligator staff?
Honesty compels you to report the first comment from the alligator's story (rather than starting with the second comment as Seco did):
haha89 wrote on Sep 19, 2008 2:14 AM:
" The title says "Racism does not exist."
The article calls someone a racist.
Get your story straight, Alligator! "
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